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Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Rising with the goddess breath Retreat. Brighton.

Welcome divine brothers and sisters to this transformational and empowering healing retreat. We have already entered this divine feminine portal 2022, and this February 2-2-2022 is one of those powerful portals, we embrace our divine high priestess Maria Magdalene, rising in consciousness, Christos Sophia holy goddess, birthing a new time of higher intelligence, equilibrium and liberation for all. We have already entered the 4th and 5th Dimension is anchoring now in this new time to co-created the golden mother earth Wilka mosoq Pachamama, sacred divine mother earth. We are rising on to new life as we choose every day to stand together and rise with our beloved mother the divine new Pachamama, here and now.

We are anchoring the new codes of light in this time to choose, reconnect with our sacred sources of life father wind, father fire, mother earth, and mother waters, tayta Wayra, tayta Nina, mama Yacu and Mother earth Pachamama. In this full moon of January, we entered the mother house of prosperity, nurturing and belonging, we are co-creating a new house reclaiming the house of our mother and guarding her as her true children, in prosperity, creation and welcoming the new children of light from the heavens to the earth, yes, yes yes to Life.

As we are now in new moon of Aquarius we are receiving strong codes of light and showers of multigalactic activations to fully become who we truly are, in this immense tsunami of evolution. We are in a time of fast manifestation, this with powerful medicines of Pachamama, and plant intelligence it grows to levels we can't even imagine, perfect time to change our life’s on to the light, and reclaim our cosmic presents to prosperity, union, harmony and togetherness. Aquarius is the song of science and truth so it is visionary, to see where are we going, on the freedom of our galactic evolution, awaken and conscious, so it is rising to our higher octave of our activations and truths. Welcome to this powerful portal in the divine breath reconnecting with the divine source of creation, mother father, creator. We will see more coming on to the light to cleanse, release, liberate and empower ourselves in the new earth. We like to share with you the sacred medicines of mother earth Pachamama from the Andes and the Amazon before we set of to our journeys in Egypt, will see you soon back in March, with love and magic, so it is! Blessings and always welcome to join our tribe, beloved family.

Liberation eons of time we are here to bring harmony in our bodies, mind, memory, healing our family with sacred weavings and energetic retribution to mother earth, our family and cosmic family. We are here to remember the memory of belonging to mother earth in the temples of Pachamama with plant medicines.

The sacred Q'ero codes will take us to cleanse the inside of our bodies learning sacred ways to relate ourselves with our insights and our cosmic, solar and lunar parents.

Offering to mother earth include flowers, fruits, many beautiful gifts for the plants, trees, animal kingdom, mineral and human kingdoms, in the queendoms of mother earth. We are ultimately here to learn gratitude in celebration of life.

We are here to transform in togetherness, love, consciousness, remembering how to sing and empower ourselves beyond the social programing, reclaiming the pure ancestral Inka magic, Avalon magic in the pure temples of Avalon. Healing close to the sea will bring a strong connection with the light of mother water, journeying to the codes of our relationships with all, and reconnecting with our true essence.

In this powerful retreat you can achieve-

1-Quantum healing reset, remembering, rebirth divine femenine sacred masculine

2. Plant medicine journey with sacred Amazonian plants, healing the body, memory and spirit. Journey beyond this dimension.

3. Crystal healing entering temples of the Rose, Inka, Avalon, Lemuria, Acturian, Sirius.

4, Healing divine Femenine, Masculine.

5. learning Qero Codes, Toltec codes entering portals on new beginnings.

6. Reconnect with your sacred temples inside, Inka solar path, Learning in common Unity.

7. Visiting powerful temples learning to canalize and reconnect.

8. Offering to mother earth, healing the heart, mind and celebrating life.

Bring an open heart to learn and share, bring all you have to celebrate life, and let us dance together in magic, love and unity. Welcoming a new time, rising together with the goddess Pachamama. In magic and light,

Aloha! Aniaykipuni llapa Sonqoymanta Pacha.

Illa Killa, Sofia Buchuck.

Day 1: 4th February

19:00 pm

Welcome circle of the word

20:00 pm

Grandmother, medicine, icaros, music, crystal healing, Quantum healing, cleansings, plant diet tea.

Day 2: 5th February

10:00 am

Light Breakfast, cleaning, organizing.

Teachings Tahuantinsuyo, Lemuria codes, Dragon codes, Toltec codes

Light Lunch, Cleaning, Rest, walk, meditation, sound bath,

Medicine Music, teachings, Yoga, other activity.

20:00 pm

Grandmother, medicine, icaros, music, crystal healing, Quantum healing, cleansings, plant diet tea

Day 3: 6th February

No breakfast


We will be sitting with our sacred grandfather, during the ceremony we will have:

Sacred Fire ceremony,

Q'ero codes to Anchor to the earth and reclaim your soul as a child of the earth.

Healing the past onto the present, honoring your family and sacred seed.

Offering, healing your universe.

Cutting dark codes and dark time on to the light, Mama Cao Sword of light,

Condorsito special drink to connect with the stars,

Anchoring our Lemurian seal of light.

Cacao ceremony special blend from the sacred Amazon of Cusco Peru elixir with Mama Rosa medicine from Avalon.

Closing circle of the word, Integration and gratitude to the sacred spirits and closure.

Our retreat will be led by a Peruvian Shaman from Cusco Peru,

is also known as Illa Killa.

Our Team

Sofia Buchuck (Illan Quilla, Huna Wa Ta O)

Moon Light. Chakawarmi Medicine woman from Cusco-Peru, ethnomusicologist, and musician at the Musical School of Mexico, and London. A member of Mosoq Tahua Inti Suyo of the Qapa’q Nan Incan spiritual path Peru, she supports healing with master plants at ancestral ceremonies. Trained with Shipibo Conibo, Shwar, and Q’ero lineages, walking the Toltec Spiritual Path, and a Priestess of the Rose Temples of Avalon, Queen of Magdalene temples and the temple of Isis She canalizes women circles since 1998 in London, and holds retreats in Peru, and South America for many years, through Quilla Sonqo, and Medicines of Pachamama. Welcomes also individual healings, and Moon circles.

Thomas Schoenmaker (Willka Sunquqñan, Huna Ka Wae Wae Ka Tao)

Medicine man and healer from Holland, has lived more than ten years in Peru, training and healing in the Tahua Inti Suyo path, working with master plants and maestro of ceremonies, he is a rape’h maestro and heals with tobacco, musician and sound healer, intuitive healer, Sacred Path of the heart (Willka Sunquqñan), Quantum Creation, medicine of the Word.

Preparation for the retreat:

Cleansing has an impact on our journey, and the ceremony space. We recommend clean living, and eating, for at least a week prior.

No sex (or masturbation)

No meat (steak, chicken, pork etc.)

No fatty foods

No spices, or citrus

No street drugs

No alcohol

Contemplate on what you would like to heal within yourself, present or past life situations; what energies or experiences to be transmuted into light; learn to surrender to medicines as a white canvas, for the plants.

I am you. You are me. We are One.

Integration and gratitude to the sacred spirits and closure. It’s always nice to meet in a round circle like a family we are to share what we like to accomplish or what was our experiences or contributions, we are learning together, we enrich together and we heal together, Aloha!

Ayni or energetic retribution:

Whole Weekend Retreat £678

One Night Grandmother £250

One Day Grandfather £200

Retreat includes:

Grandfather medicine and grandmother medicine, full sound, Chrystal healing, quantum healing, plant medicines to treat special conditions, light codes , Lemuria and Q’ero codes canalization, sacred spiritual path teachings. Food, accommodation, fire, and all other facilities.

What to bring:

Comfortable clothes, soap, toilet paper, white dress or clothes for ceremony, strong shoes and rain coat for rainy season**** sacred drum or instruments if so wished even crystals or talismans. Fruits or seeds or even flowers to offer to mother earth or to offered to the altar. A great and open heart to learn and be able to share and be loved, transformed, resetting yourself. We are family, we are one tribe, we are one mind, one heart, children of Pachamama.

Aloha!! I am you , you are me, for Life! Kausaypaq !

You can achieve:

Full transformations, our mother earth medicines heal, cancer, depression, madness, alcoholism, any other addictions. Bringing to centre the mind, consciousness, togetherness, happiness, learning to live in equilibrium, spiritual awakening, channeling higher dimension vibrations to heal the soul, rebirth and life changing experiences. Connecting to ancestors, past lives, healing sexual energies in to sacredness and liberation of mind control. More centered, peace, forgiveness, past lives integrations, activation of third eye, full connection to higher dimensions, 5D awakening and I am divine reclamation. Living in equilibrium with mother earth as cosmic seed beings that we are, reclaiming our full potential and gifts to life.


Sharing with love and respect, for life, we are all children of the earth, of the sun, the moon and love.

Aniay, Aniay, gratitude. Nuke ati.

I am you, you are me. We are One.!!!

More information and to confirm your participation to the following contacts:



+44 07928599416 (Sofia)

+44 07759819619 (Tom)

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