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Sun, 17 Sept



Healing with medicines of Pachamama, Grand father medicine, womb healing, rapeh initiation, Mama cacaw, TAWAINTISUYO spiritual path.

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Time & Location

17 Sept 2023, 19:00 – 24 Sept 2023, 19:00


About the event

BELOVED medicine family OF ITALY With great joy and open heart we come to visit the sacred temples of Italy. Bringing with us the songs of mother earth, father sun, father wind and mother water our ancestors of life, givers of life.  We bring with deep respect a medicine from the jungle, Cacao chuncho, in a precious and sacred ceremonial space to be mesmerize with mama CACAW ceremony, rapeh, the healing of medicine songs to heal the memories of childhood, combines with mama ROSA from the Avalon temples. We bring this special night ceremony to share with powerful healers and songtresses, Ceremonies would be lead by Illan Killa, Sophia Buchuck, sharing a sacred TAWA inti Suyo path.  There will also be powerful healing for the HEALING OF THE WOMB and DIVINE FEMENINE Codes of MAMA COUP mechereq moche chimu, this will finalize with an initiation of the dvine femenine in sacred water temples and Cristal healing.  We will be sharing with deep respet,  initiations of Rapeh or Rome potto initiations, specially for healers and people who feel the call in their hearts to reconect with medicines of mother earth.  We share with deep gratitude to our sisters in Italy for the song of life and celebration of life, but also of sisterhood.  Our ceremonies will be lead by Illan Killa, Sofia Buchuck, Chakawarmi, medicine woman from Peru, with Tawa Intisuyo lineage, from Huayopata Cusco Peru. Initiated in the temples of the Shwar, Shipibo conibo, Moche, chimu and Ashaninka. She is also a inka priestes, carriying Inka codes, and a priestess of the Rose and Isis, Temples of Avalon and Egypt. From the Mysterium school, birthing new earth with the Divine femenine. Singer and ethnomusicologies.  We wlak a path In service to pachamama, learning eternally honouring the mystery of learning and unlearning. We are please to have with us thre powerful healers from Italy to assist us, with rapeh, rome potto, singing, breath healing for the Ovaries and much more to be soon shared with you.   We will be integrating TAWA INTI SUYO preinca Codes of living in harmony with mother earth, reclaiming our BLUE PRINT cosmic seed, and offerings to mother earth HAYWARIKUY from our Qero ancestors. Many more offerings to be shared from a place of love, humbleness, equilibrium and coherance. Energetic  exchange, we are open posibilites for all, from a place of Counciousnessand retribution, for different capacities, Abundant, Community and concessions.  We walk a path of our ancestors, in Ayllu-commun Unity sacred collective community, respecting our elders a sacred spiritual path of the saccred Wilka Qapaq nan a sacred cosmic spiritual path that Unifies all spiritual paths as a cosmic family of onness. We share from a place of Munay sonwo, Pure heart and we belive in one love. NUKE ATI, I am you, you are me. Kausaypaq, For life. With deep love. Illan Killa, Huna Watao, Sofia Buchuck. more info please contact us. 07514607873 or our contacts in Italy.


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About Illan Killa

Sofia is a maestra of sacred plant medicines ceremonies—Chakawarmi, with a Shipibo Conibo, Shwar, and Q’ero lineage.
She holds women's circles, singing circles, individual healing, and shamanic teachings.

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